Merike Safka Merike Safka

Observation: Montessori elementary

We observe that a child occupied with matters that awaken his interest seems to blossom, to expand, evincing undreamed of character traits; his abilities give him great satisfaction, and he smiles with a sweet and joyous smile.” (Dr. Montessori; San Remo Lectures).

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Merike Safka Merike Safka

It's Okay to Fail

…but even today, any unnecessary help is truly a hindrance in your child’s life. Children need to learn that they are capable. They need adults in their life to tell them so (and believe it so). But most importantly, children need opportunities to practice failure and success.

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Merike Safka Merike Safka

Say Yes

There isn’t a No that you cannot turn into a positive statement if you really give it some thought. Yes, you can cry as long as you want to quietly right here. Yes, you can buy this if you have enough in your piggybank. Let’s check when we get home!

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Start your journey

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